Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Either I've become very good at picking out movies that I think I will like, or I've gotten very lucky.  Paranorman is a stop-motion movie about a young boy named Norman who's obsessed with horror movies and can also see ghosts.  Right off the bat one of the things I liked about this movie is that Norman doesn't have to go through that whole awkward section of realizing he can see ghosts and at first being afraid and then getting used to it and finally using that ability to confront the big baddie; from the very start Norman has pretty much accepted and come to terms with his ghostey-vision.  In fact, it seems as if Norman is more comfortable around ghosts than he is around living people.

The real story starts when Norman's uncle, who can also see ghosts, visits him, nearly dying, to pass on to Norman the duty of keeping the town safe from a curse cast on it by a witch a few hundred years ago.  Norman fails and now zombies are running loose in the town so Norman must put things right.  Paranorman is a childrens movie and that being said it's laugh out loud funny.  Seriously, I actually burst out laughing in the theater at a few parts, but it's also very dark, particularly when the zombies get to town.  Seriously, this movie has scenes of on-screen death as well as the some of the most shameless hate since American History X.

Paranorman seems to be almost a satire of other horror movies however because one of the main themes is fear, or more precicely, the horrors that people can commit when they're afraid.  Considering Norman is a horror movie junkie (much like myself) he seems to be the perfect character to drive this point home, we have to overcome our fear of the unknown so as to not do something harmful.

Up to this point I've only talked about the story so now I want to talk about the animation and how fantastic it is.  Thanks to the help of modern 3D printers, all of the characters have a huge variety of facial expressions and move far more fluidly than just about any other stop-motion film ever made (thats right Nightmare Before Christmas, I'm calling you out).  On top of that it has some of the best use of 3D in the theater since Avatar, particularly one scene which takes place on a tree floating through a void.

Overall do not miss Paranorman, a great childrens movie, and just a great movie all around.

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