Saturday, September 1, 2012

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog

Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog was a short, three-part, internet released film from writer/director Joss Whedon (one of my all time favorite directors, who finally hit mainstream success when he was commissioned to write and direct The Avengers) about a lovelorn super villain by the name of Dr. Horrible (Neil Patrick Harris) who spends his time trying to win the heart of Penny (Felicia Day), the girl of his dreams, and trying to get into the Evil League of Evil (headed by the amazing super villain Bad Horse, who is actually a horse) while being constantly foiled by his arch nemesis Captain Hammer (Nathan Fillion).  To make a long story short Dr. Horrible is AMAZING.  Followers of this blog will notice I have never put that word in all capitals before, the reason I'm doing it now is because Dr. Horrible deserves every bit of recognition it can get.  The movie is a cheesy, light hearted, pseudo-romantic affair about the clashing ideals of the hateful and cynical Dr. Horrible and the world weary but still naive and hopeful Penny.

Let's get the toughest part out of the way: Dr. Horrible is a musical.  Dr. Horrible is a damn good musical!  The music is so good, in fact, that I bought the soundtrack and I am listening to it right now while I write this, and the lyrics are very well written.  "Any dolt with half a brain can see that humankind has gone insane, to the point where I don't know if I'll upset the status quo if I throw poison in the water mien," is one of the best lines I have ever heard in a song written for a movie.  Perhaps I like this movie so much because I can identify so well with the main character; he's dry, cynical, and hateful of people, but he still holds out hope for love and a future with Penny that couldn't exist.

Dr. Horrible is one of my favorite movies ever, I literally watched it three times in a row.  It's light, cheesy, goofy, and it has a pitch-black ending.  Easily the best musical I've seen all year, possibly all decade.  Anyone who enjoys audio/video entertainment of any form should get Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog in front of their eyes as soon as possible.

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